Fritz!Box Devices

Hi there,
setup with fritzbox doesn’t work, I can’t get any further.
thank you for your support.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2025-01-31 16-38-40
Bildschirmfoto vom 2025-01-31 16-39-07

Hi k0ns0l3,

Thank you for your message, and welcome to deSEC! :slight_smile:

There seem to be multiple issues with your setup:

  • The domain name you put there does not seem correct (we don’t offer names like that)
  • The username field should be the same as the domain name
  • The password looks unusually short (although that might be a display issue). The password field here should not contain your account password, but an API token (which you can generate in our web interface).

Stay secure,

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Use<ipaddr>&myipv6=<ip6addr> as the update URL. Change the placeholder <ipaddr> or <ip6addr> to preserve, if you want to update only the other address. The domain name and the user name should be the domain that is going to be updated. The password is an access token with the necessary permissions to modify the IPv4 and/or IPv6 address records of that domain name.

All of this (except for the use of preserve) is also explained in the documentation. There is even a section describing what to enter on a FRITZ!Box.

preserve is documented here.