I signed up for a dedyn.io subdomain, using the first name that came to mind.
After I got it setup I thought actually I wonder if I can use a different name, you are only allowed one name so I tried to signup again using the different subdomain to see if it gave me a warning about it being in use, it didn’t so I deleted my registered name and tried to add my preferred name. But the ui said “This domain name conflicts with an existing domain, or is disallowed by policy.” so I tired adding back my just deleted subdomain but got the same message.
I was wondering if subdomains get released after a set amount of time so I can try again later?
Not strictly true, I think. Once you have an account at deSEC (regardless of whether it was created for dynDNS or a delegated domain) you can add zones (domains) including subdomains of dedyn.io up to the limit_domains limit of the account. So technically, if limit_domains < domains_under_management then you could add an additional subdomain of dedyn.io to the account.
→ Retrieve Account Information
Is this a good idea? No! It wastes resources at deSEC and can probably be seen as an abuse of the dynDNS service. If you need dynDNS for more than one host use subdomains of your one existing dedyn.io subdomain. I.e. host1.example.dedyn.io, host2.example.dedyn.io, etc.
However in your case the intention was to try different name and later return to the first one. So temporarily having more than one subdomain of dedyn.io would probably be ok if you clean up the unused subdomain ASAP.
I don’t have any official information about your actual question (reuse of a deleted subdomain of dedyn.io). However I was able create, delete, recreate and delete again a subdomain of dedyn.io within a few seconds. So there appear to be no time limits. I also know from experience that a managed domain deleted in one account can be recreated in a different one very soon. But that may be a different situation?
Maybe the error message was referring to your account name (email address) not to the domain name?
I think I saw a post somewhere about new users being limited to one but it not applying to existing users.
I have verified using the api you linked to that in may case limit_domains = 1.
Thanks for testing recreating a subdomain on dedyn.io. Odd that I was having issues.
Ah ok. The account I tested with existed for more than a year and already has 2 delegated domains. So the limit is higher there. You may be right about new accounts being more limited.
New accounts are indeed limited to one domain, managed or dynamic. I just tried creating, deleting and recreating a dedyn-io domain and did not run into a problem. To add a domain, you have to enter the full domain name, so “example.dedyn.io”, not just “example”. If you enter just the subdomain name, you get that misleading “This domain name conflicts with an existing domain, or is disallowed by policy.” error message.