I cannot set DS Records with my Registrar. Now what can I do?

I have a big problem with the new requirement to set DS or DSKEY records: the registrar of my domains (Freenom) does not offer this option. I can set a NS record, that’s it.

I fear the currently - quite nice - e-mails might change soonish to “do what we request or your domain gets suspended”. I would like to do that, but as I said, they don’t offer that feature.

So what now!? It would be great to exclude hobby projects or domains hosted by … not the best registrars in the world … from your rule.

Hi holger,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to deSEC! :slight_smile:

Regarding your question, please see [deSEC] Action required: Insecure domain. In short, don’t worry too much, but we appreciate if our users make an effort to have DNSSEC enabled, if their TLD registry supports it.

Stay secure,

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Awesome, thank you Peter, … I was a bit worried =)