Provide QR Code for paypal

For easier mobile payment with the paypal app, please generate a QR code for paypal and display it on the donate page.


Hi Lipahtla,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to deSEC! :slight_smile:

I included a QR code in our development version of the page, and it should be live within a few days: feat(webapp): add QR code for PayPal donation by peterthomassen · Pull Request #578 · desec-io/desec-stack · GitHub

Stay secure,

Thanks, looks good, I made a dry run with my paypal app, to verify it’s a valid QR for deSEC :slight_smile:

I also tested that, but thanks for doing so as well! :wink:

The new page is now live. Be sure to use it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Stay secure,