What is DeSec and what advantages do I have?

Hello, I am new to this forum and recently came across DeSec. I also recently bought a domain, but I am still completely new to this topic.

My provider has a DNS editor and supports DNSSEC.

What advantage do I have if I manage my DNS records via DeSec?

Thank you very much.

deSEC.io offers an API for automation and you can have access tokens with different sets of permissions and scopes:
Welcome to the deSEC DNS API — deSEC DNS API documentation

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Hello, thank you for your reply.

I have read through the documentation a bit.

So the functionalities that DeSec offers are of no use to a normal domain owner if he doesn’t make changes to his domain every day, right?

Can I add important functionalities to my domain with DeSec? Can I perhaps enhance my security or do other great things with it?

Sorry for my stupid questions, I really want to find the benefits of DeSec for me…

Many technologies rely on being able to programmatically modify DNS. For example, the DNS-01 challenge is required for Letsencrypt wildcard certificates. Letsencrypt certificates have to be renewed after at most three months, so this is something that warrants automation to avoid lapsed certificates.

Another widely used example of automated DNS is “dynamic DNS”, where you associate a domain name with a host that has a frequently changing IP address. Although there are many services offering free dynamic DNS, most don’t combine it with DNSSEC and few give you the ability to use your own domain or handle many other record types besides A and AAAA.

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Ah, OK. Now I understand the whole thing a bit better! Thank you very much!

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