More flexible ttl settings

DESEC’s ttl has a setting range of [3600,86400],which might cause problem when dns update need to be frequent,or want to cache for a long time to speed up resolve.Thus,might better to widthen the range.

This is a non issue. When a dynamic DNS update is pushed the ttl is automatically 60.


TTLs larger than a day have no practical advantage in terms of resolution speed. (If your domain is resolved frequently, it will be in the cache almost always anyway. And if it is not frequently resolved and the resolver does not have it in the cache, lookup latency is largely independent of TTL.)

However, TTLs larger than a day make it difficult to change things like DNSSEC settings. (The change process for many DNSSEC aspects takes a multiple of the largest TTL in the zone.) We thus don’t see a reason to increase the range towards longer TTLs.

For short ones, as @edgeintegrated said, updates using our DynDNS update interface use TTL of 60s. Otherwise, you can always email support with an explanation why you need special TTLs.

Stay secure,